Keep your spark alive and prevent burnout

Keep your spark alive and prevent burnout

Being a developer means having to deal with a lot of stress, deadline pressure, and the big responsibility that comes with large projects. in addition to actions supported by the development community, such as working without taking any days off, putting in extra time, and working from home.

All the things mentioned above can cause burnout, but what burnout is, and how to avoid it?

Burnout: is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. it is a major problem that can significantly affect someone's capacity to function in work or personal life as well as their mental and physical health.
It may affect everyone, and some developers have unfortunately experienced it more than once.

What are the signs of burnout?

  • Loss of motivation.

  • Struggling to complete simple tasks.

  • Feeling detached.

  • Feeling exhausted and drained.

  • Un ability to cope with work.

For me happiness is the result of keeping the balance of these four elements:

  1. Health: Being in good physical shape prevents diseases and makes it easier to perform your daily tasks.

  2. Family: One of our goals as humans should be to have a solid relationship with our family members and maintaining them is crucial for our mental health.

  3. Career: We should all continue learning to advance in our careers, maximize our performance over time, and benefit our companies. But this should be done with well-calculated steps.

  4. Spiritual side: If you exercise your faith, it will have a positive effect on your life. Or practicing yoga and meditation for stronger mental health.

Finally, I want to share with you a tip that will help you maintain this balance: when you define your goals, make sure to include at least one objective from each of the four aspects listed above.